Phases Group on the S2 // Diagnostics Tab

Use the commands in this group to perform such tasks as define the start and finish date for the ribbon view, and view phase metric results in chart format.

Field/Option Description
Trend Analysis Click this command to replace the traditional time-based phases in the diagnostics view with project snapshots. When you use the Trend Analysis mode, the phases are project snapshots instead of time intervals. You must have at least one project with snapshots to use this mode.
Start Use this date field to define the start date for the ribbon view. Select from the following options:
  • Earliest Project Start
  • Earliest Project Time Now
  • Earliest Activity Start
  • Specific Date
Finish Use this date field to define the finish date for the ribbon view. Select from the following options:
  • Latest Project Start
  • Latest Project Time Now
  • Latest Activity Start
  • Specific Date
Interval Use this field to define the phase interval. Select from the following options:
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Quarters
  • Years
  • Single
Add Phase Click this icon to create a new phase boundary based on a date you select.
Reset Dates Click this command to reset the ribbon view date range to the earliest activity start and the latest activity finish.
Charts Click this command to view phase metric results in chart and tabular view (toggle) or use the options in the drop-down menu to complete such tasks as select a chart type or display markers and legends.

Select a chart option then click the Charts command to display the chart. Click the Charts command again to switch back to the tabular view.

You can choose from the following chart types:
  • Area
  • Bar
  • Column
  • Line
  • Point
  • Stacked Area
  • Stacked Bar
  • Stacked Column
  • Stacked 100 Area
  • Stacked 100 Bar
  • Stacked 100 Column
In addition, you can select the following chart options:
  • Cumulative
  • Show Markers
  • Show Legend